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Luther Statue

25 January 2006
  Staff Recruitment
Beyond email exchanges and IRC chat, Luther Library needed a place to discuss and assemble our working crew. Rather than reinvent the wheel, we've decided to use the existing forum of the Confessional Lutheran Blog Conference, the Google group formed in preparation for this year's pre-Symposia blog confab.

If you'd like to volunteer yourself or others, or discuss yourself or anyone else as a possible candidate, please either visit the group or send an email to the head librarian. Those wishing to participate anonymously (such as the Aardvark) will have their privacy wishes protected to the fullest extent possible. If you're unsure about talking in the open forum, please use only email.
You know, I have often wondered why our Lutheran professors (of the Seminaries AND Concordias) are not more active in the Lutheran Blogosphere. I wonder if anyone has some contacts in the world of academia and can encourage some of these folks to come on in (the water's fine!).

Maybe this forum would be attractive to such "higher beings".

Or, I don't know what other specialty blogs you have in mind, but one that I would love to see would be something along the lines of a clutch of sem. profs hashing out the theological hot topics of the day. I remember sometimes eavesdropping on these conversations between guys like Voelz, Bartelt and Raabe in St. Louis. What if we could convince them to bring it to the blogs? I think it would be a great benefit.
I'm actually working on my Masters in Library Science at Indiana University (Indianapolis). This sounds fascinating to me.
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