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24 August 2008
  A More Complete Logos Update

Logos Bible SoftwareThe Logos Blog shows a new, more complete way of Updating Your Resources. The standard updater deals only with major updates in programs and resources. This new web based option is much more complete. It has corrections for any typos and the like that may have crept into your resources. You don't need to have Logos running to initiate the download, just run the  Resource Auto Update . It needs Logos 3.0e to run, and will install the latest program version before updating resources.

Be warned, however — since it's more complete, the download size may range from large to gigantic. For example, tonight's the first time I ran it and since I have the Scholar's Library: Gold collection with additional resources, my download total is in the multi-gigabyte range. It's almost like starting from scratch! I began the download before starting this post and it's only 15% complete on my mid-speed cable connection. If you have a slower connection or a similarly large body of resources to update, you can use the check boxes to break it into smaller pieces. I think that I am going to run it weekly so I never again have such a large download.

ADDENDUM: After the download is installed, you may also need to sync your licenses. To do so, open Libronix and run Tools → Library Management → Synchronize Licenses. Otherwise, Logos could attempt to repeat the long download you just experienced.

Finally, if you discover additional typos, visit Updating Your Resources for information on reporting them. Maybe you'll see your own corrections on a future download.

Cross-posted from Ask the Pastor.

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The Logos software can be tremendously helpful in ministry.
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